garment pattern is a process in which designers arrange pattern pieces on a pattern layout to produce a sample garment from the fabric. Fabric trimmings are needed when sewing linings or facings, finishing seams, or adding a decorative touch to garments. The purpose of trimming materials is to add style and functionality.

It can be made from fabric materials such as lace, silk, cotton, wool, and many more. Many different types of trimmings may be used for various purposes, such as ribbon fabric trimming for neckline and hemline or bias cut strips for waistlines and armholes of blouses

The best cloth fabric trimmings of 2021 are the following:

Gimp and scallop trim

Gimp and scallop trim are both textiles that can be found on clothes and other home goods. The fabric is typically gathered or cut to resemble a wavy edge.
Gimp is a lighter-weight fabric with more extensive trim than scallop trim. Gimp can be used on both sides, while scallop trim is typically only on the back of the material.

Braided Trim
The braided trim is the perfect way to make a garment look like it’s been tailored. It can be used for anything from coats, skirts, and dresses to scarves, belts, and ties.

The best way to incorporate braided trim into your garments is by simply basting it on with machine stitching. The basting stitches are then removed after the edge has dried.

The braided trim is ideal for adding detail that will stand out. You can use this style of trimming on almost any garment you want to transform!

Piping is a decorative technique that is used to give a garment or object an attractive outline.

The use of piping dates back to the late 18th century when it was used by tailors in London to cover seams and create decorative patterns. Sometimes, piping was also used for purely visual purposes.

Piping can be made of fabric, felt, leather, corduroy, wool yarn, polyester cord, or even fabric strips.

Multicolored Cord

Multicolored cards are one of the most popular fashion trimmings nowadays. This is the perfect material for adding texture and color to your outfit.

A multicolored cord can be used as a belt, bracelet, necklace, or shoelace. It also works excellent as a fabric trimming on your favorite skirt or dress.


Trimming is an essential part of sewing. It usually refers to the cutting off of extra material after it has been sewn or removing excess fabric from a garment’s hemline. Trimming also includes embroidery or embellishments on a garment’s edges or neckline to add decoration and support the design.